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  • JAnonyMS

Futuristic/ Romance - Samira Ahmed

I Just Finished my third book of Samira Ahmed's -- Mad, Bad, & Dangerous To Know (MB&DTK). MB&DTK Is Told from two perspectives, Khayyam, The French/ Muslim/ American Girl and Layla, The Girl who left her heart with her lover, Who defended her to his last breath. As Khayyam Returns to paris this summer something is different. This Summer She doesn't stay in her families apartment, or go to libraries and museums with her parents. This Summer She has met HIM. Alexandre Dumas. Though This One luckily isn't dead, no that's his many generations older relative. This Dumas May be the key to solving a mystery though, one that put Khayyam in a hole deeper than anyone would ever intentionally dig. But Khayyam Was going to get herself out of this hole, no matter what snooty Celenia Mondego says. The Dumas Family has to have a painting from Delacroix, even if it isn't The Combat Of The Giaour And The Pashsa, as she had once thought. And So What if she's using Alexandre to get to the painting and prove Celenia wrong? It's Not As if they know each other super well or anything. But As Khayyam and Alexandre start to get to know one another more personally... It gets harder for Khayyam to convince herself that Alexandre wouldn't really care. And, Unfortunately, As their emotions get more complicated somebody pops back into Khayyam's life in a way that makes her head spin. It's The City of love and all's well in paradise... If only Khayyam knew who SHE truly loved...

Best Of Books By Ahmed:


Love, Hate, & Other Filters

Mad, Bad, & dangerous To Know

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