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  • JAnonyMS

Realistic Fiction - Wendy Mass

Updated: Jun 8, 2020

In Fourth Grade we had a book challenge. There Were Levels of the challenge - each level had around ten books and you had to read around three on each level to get to the next level. This Introduced Me to a lot of great books, some of which you will hear about later. The Particular Book I am going to talk about a book called The Candy makers. A Couple Of years after I read the Candy makers I read a series that started with the book eleven birthdays and traveled on to Graceful. I Poured Through the books and their magical happenings, never realizing that they were from the same author as the Candy Makers. A Long While later I read a mango-shaped space (Beautiful but sad book - I highly recommend it) and only then did I make the connection between the two series.

The Candy makers summary:

Every Generation Of candy maker at the candy factory's all over the city are entered into the candy makers competition and have a chance to win along with other lucky kids from all over the city. At The Life is sweet candy factory Logan, son of one of the most famous candy makers is feeling the pressure. His Father And grandfather both won the competition when it was their turn and he doesn't want to mess up and disappoint his parents. He Along With Miles (who is becoming one of Logan's first friends in a while, even though he is a little weird), Daisy (an energetic but forgetful girl), and Philip (a rude boy who doesn't seem to actually have any interest in making candy) are the contestants preparing themselves at the Life is Sweet factory. This Book Centers around each of their experiences as they prepare for the competition flipping through their perspectives. Now the question is, who will win?

Best of Books By Mass

The Candy Makers - The Candy Makers And The Great Chocolate Chase (book 2)

11 Birthdays - Finally - 13 Gifts - The Last Present - Graceful

A Mango-shaped Space

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Emily Peng
Emily Peng
May 27, 2020

I love this book so much!!

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